# | Title | Author | Publisher | Category | JKU Bib Reference | Win Bib Reference | Status | Borrower |
1 | Object-oriented Software Construction | Meyer Bertrand | Prentice Hall | Software Engineering | nan | 8.38 |
Available |
No One |
2 | Tutorial: Object-Oriented Computing / Volume 1: Concepts | Peterson Gerald E. | IEEE Computer Society Press | Software Engineering | nan | 8.36 |
Available |
No One |
3 | Inside Macintosh Volume IV | Apple Computer, Inc. | Addison-Wesley | Rechnerspezifisches | nan | 11.7 |
Available |
No One |
4 | Inside Macintosh Volume I | Apple Computer, Inc. | Addison-Wesley | Rechnerspezifisches | nan | 11.1 |
Available |
No One |
5 | Software Engineering | Sommerville Ian | Addison-Wesley | Software Engineering | nan | 8.9 |
Available |
No One |
6 | Postscript Language / Tutorial and Cookbook | Adobe Systems Incorporated | Addison-Wesley | Angewandte Informatik | nan | 12.2 |
Available |
No One |
7 | Compilerbau | Wirth Niklaus | B.G. Teubner | Compilerbau | nan | 4.3 |
Available |
No One |
8 | Informationssysteme und Datenbanken | Zehnder Carl August | B.G. Teubner | Datenbanken | nan | 6.1 |
Available |
No One |
9 | Software Engineering and Modula-2 | Pomberger Gustav | Prentice Hall | Software Engineering | nan | 8.19 |
Available |
No One |
10 | Generating Language-Based Environments | Reps Thomas W. | MIT Press | Compilerbau | nan | 4.8 |
Available |
No One |
11 | The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing | Tremblay Jean-Paul, Sorenson Paul G. | McGraw Hill | Compilerbau | nan | 4.7 |
Available |
No One |
12 | Rechnerorientierte Verfahren | Buchberger Bruno, et al. | B.G. Teubner | Grundlagen der Informatik | nan | 0.16 |
Available |
No One |
13 | Programming Languages / A Grand Tour | Horowitz Ellis | Computer Science Press | Programmiersprachen | nan | 2.13 |
Available |
No One |
14 | Prüfungsaufgaben Informatik | Böhme Gert | Springer | Grundlagen der Informatik | nan | 0.10 |
Available |
No One |
15 | Handbook of Algorithms and Data Structures | Gonnet G. H. | Addison-Wesley | Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | nan | 1.4 |
Available |
No One |
16 | Approaches to Prototyping | Budde Reinhard , Kuhlenkamp Karin, Mathiassen Lars, Züllighoven Heinz | Springer | Software Engineering | nan | 8.1 |
Available |
No One |
17 | The Unix Programming Environment | Kernighan Brian W., Pike Rob | Prentice Hall | Betriebssysteme | nan | 3.4 |
Available |
No One |
18 | The Art of Software Testing | Myers Glenford J. | Wiley Publishing | Software Engineering | nan | 8.21 |
Available |
No One |
19 | Fundamentals of Data Structures in Pascal | Horowitz Ellis, Sahni Sartaj | Computer Science Press | Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | nan | 1.5 |
Available |
No One |
20 | Programming Languages: Design and Implementation | Pratt Terence W. | Prentice Hall | Programmiersprachen | nan | 2.18 |
Borrowed |
Rainer Weinreich |
21 | Grundzüge der Informatik II | Waldschmidt E. Helmut, Walter Hermann K.-G. | Bibliographisches Institut | Grundlagen der Informatik | nan | 0.19 |
Available |
No One |
22 | Artificial Intelligence | Rich Elaine | McGraw Hill | Künstliche Intelligenz | nan | 9.1 |
Available |
No One |
23 | Fundamentals of Programming Languages | Horowitz Ellis | Computer Science Press | Programmiersprachen | nan | 2.12 |
Available |
No One |
24 | Interaktive grafische Datenverarbeitung | Gorny Peter, Viereck Axel | B.G. Teubner | Computergraphik | nan | 5.2 |
Available |
No One |
25 | The Beauty of Fractals / Images of Complex Dynamical Systems | Peitgen Heinz-Otto, Richter Peter H. | Springer | Computergraphik | nan | 5.1 |
Available |
No One |
26 | Inside Macintosh Volume IV | Apple Computer, Inc. | Addison-Wesley | Rechnerspezifisches | nan | 11.8 |
Available |
No One |
27 | Coroutines / A Programming Methodology, a Language Design and an Implementation | Marlin Christopher D. | Springer | Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | nan | 1.1 |
Available |
No One |
28 | Modula-2 auf DOS | Hörmanseder Rudolf, Mühlbacher Jörg R. | Carl Hanser Verlag | Programmiersprachen | nan | 2.2 |
Available |
No One |
29 | Smalltalk-80 / The Language and its Implementation | Goldberg Adele, Robson David | Addison-Wesley | Programmiersprachen | nan | 2.10 |
Available |
No One |
30 | Portable C and Unix System Programming | Lapin J. E. | Prentice Hall | Programmiersprachen | nan | 2.17 |
Available |
No One |
31 | Smalltalk-80 / The Interactive Programming Envirenment | Goldberg Adele | Addison-Wesley | Software Engineering | nan | 8.8 |
Available |
No One |
32 | Software Engineering Education / The Educational Needs of the Software Community | Gibbs Norman E., Fairley Richard E. | Springer | Software Engineering | nan | 8.5 |
Available |
No One |
33 | Automaten, Sprachen und Maschinen für Anwender | Albert Jürgen, Ottmann Thomas | Bibliographisches Institut | Compilerbau | nan | 4.2 |
Available |
No One |
34 | Mathematical Problem Solving | Alan H. Schoenfeld | Academic Press | Nachbardisziplinen und Hilfswissenschaften | nan | 14.1 |
Available |
No One |
35 | Operating Systems / Design and Implementation | Tanenbaum Andrew S. | Prentice Hall | Betriebssysteme | nan | 3.3 |
Available |
No One |
36 | Compilers / Principles, Techniques, and Tools | Aho Alfred V., Sethi Ravi, Ullman Jeffrey D. | Addison-Wesley | Compilerbau | nan | 4.4 |
Available |
No One |
37 | The Fractal Geometry of Nature | Mandelbrot Benoit B. | Freeman | Computergraphik | nan | 5.4 |
Available |
No One |
38 | Algorithmische Sprache und Programmentwicklg. | Bauer Friedrich L., Wössner Hans | Springer | Grundlagen der Informatik | nan | 0.7 |
Available |
No One |
39 | Data Structures and Algorithms | Aho Alfred V., Hopcroft John E., Ullman Jeffrey | Addison-Wesley | Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | nan | 1.2 |
Available |
No One |
40 | Denotational Semantics: The Scott-Strachey Approach to Programming Language Theo | Stoy Joseph E. | MIT Press | Software Engineering | nan | 8.22 |
Available |
No One |
41 | Principles of Concurrent Programming | Ben-Ari M. | Prentice Hall | Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | nan | 1.7 |
Available |
No One |
42 | Programmierumgebungen: Entwicklungswerkzeuge und Programmiersprachen | Sammer W., Remmele W. | Springer | Grundlagen der Informatik | nan | 0.2 |
Available |
No One |
43 | Principles of Computer Science / Concepts, Algorithms, Data Structures, and Appl | Carberry M. Sandra , Cohen A. Toni, Khalil Hatem M. | Computer Science Press | Grundlagen der Informatik | nan | 0.18 |
Available |
No One |
44 | Einführung in die Informatik / Skriptum Informatik I,II | Ludewig Jochen | vdf | Grundlagen der Informatik | nan | 0.44 |
Available |
No One |
45 | OOPSLA`89 Conference Proceedings Oct. 1-6, 1989, New Orleans | nan | ACM Press | Proceedings | nan | 17.18 |
Available |
No One |
46 | Prototypingorientierte Systemspezifikation | Keller Rudolf K. | Dr. Kovac | Software Engineering | nan | 8.99 |
Available |
No One |
47 | Prototypingorientierte Systemspezifikation | Keller Rudolf K. | Dr. Kovac | Software Engineering | nan | 8.98 |
Available |
No One |
48 | Prototypingorientierte Systemspezifikation | Keller Rudolf K. | Dr. Kovac | Software Engineering | nan | 8.97 |
Available |
No One |
49 | Inside Macintosh Volume I | Apple Computer Inc. | Addison-Wesley | Rechnerspezifisches | nan | 11.16 |
Available |
No One |
50 | An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and C++ | Wiener Richard S., Pinson Lewis J. | Addison-Wesley | Programmiersprachen | nan | 2.54 |
Available |
No One |
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