# | Title | Author | Publisher | Category | JKU Bib Reference | Win Bib Reference | Status | Borrower |
1 | Graph Representation Learning (Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) | William L. Hamilton | Springer | Künstliche Intelligenz | Win.d.1173 | 9.046 |
Borrowed |
Birgit Breitschopf |
2 | Learn AI-Assisted Python Programming: With GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT | Leo Porter, Daniel Zingaro, Simon Beth | Manning | Programmiersprachen | Win.I.237 | 2.370 |
Borrowed |
Iris Groher |
3 | Quantum Computing for Computer Scientists | Mirco A. Mannucci Noson S. Yanofsky | Cambridge University Press | Software Engineering | Win.b.534 | 8.929 |
Borrowed |
Birgit Breitschopf |
4 | Published: a guide to literature review, outlining, experimenting, visualization, writing, editing, and peer review for your first scientific journal article | Thomas Deetjan | PP | Sonstiges | All.416 | 18.618 |
Borrowed For Student |
No One |
5 | Ausdrucksweise verbessern und Wortschatz erweitern | Berthold Wegener | Independently | Sonstiges | All.415 | 18.614 |
Borrowed |
Birgit Breitschopf |
6 | Positive Rhetorik im Alltag & Beruf: 100+ Techniken & Hinweise zur emotional intelligenten Kommunikation | David Winkelmann | vdf | Sonstiges | All.414 | 18.612 |
Borrowed |
Birgit Breitschopf |
7 | Computer Networks, Global Edition | Andrew Tanenbaum, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Nick Feamster, David J. Wetherall | Pearson | Sonstiges | Win.h.433 | 18.610 |
Borrowed |
Marco Stadler |
8 | How to Create Innovation: The Ultimate Guide to Proven Strategies and Business Models to Drive Innovation and Digital Transformation | Stefan F. Dieffenbacher, Caroline Hüttinger, Susanne M. Zaninelli, Douglas Lines, Andreas Rein | Wiley | Sonstiges | Unf.d.1098 | 18.616 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
9 | Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology, Security, and Architecture (Pearson Digital Enterprise from Thomas ERL) | Thomas Erl, Eric Barcelo Monroy | Prentice Hall | Sonstiges | Win.h.1413 | 18.604 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
10 | Cloud Computing nach der Datenschutz-Grundverordnung: Amazon Web Services, Google, Microsoft & Clouds anderer Anbieter in der Praxis (Animals) | Thorsten Hennrich | O'Reilly | Sonstiges | Win.g.64 | 18.602 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
11 | Cloud Computing Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction | Anders Lisdorf | apress | Sonstiges | Win.I.236 | 18.608 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
12 | Why Machines Learn: The Elegant Maths Behind Modern AI | Anil Ananthaswamy | AH | Mensch-Maschine Kommunikation | Win.a.491 | 7.073 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
13 | Building LLMs for Production: Enhancing LLM Abilities and Reliability with Prompting, Fine-Tuning, and RAG | Louis-François Bouchard, Louie Peters | Independently | Sonstiges | Win.I.234 | 18.606 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
14 | Generative AI with LangChain: Build large language model (LLM) apps with Python, ChatGPT, and other LLMs | Ben Auffarth | Packt Publishing | Programmiersprachen | Win.h.1584 | 2.368 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
15 | Generative AI for Effective Software Development | Anh Nguyen-Duc, Pekka Abrahamsson, Foutse Khomh | Springer | Software Engineering | Win.h.1585 | 8.925 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
16 | System Engineering mit SysML | Birgit Vogel-Heuser | deGruyter | Software Engineering | Fer.b.335 | 8.927 |
Borrowed |
Manuel Wimmer |
17 | Miteinander reden 1– 4 (Faltschachtel): Störungen und Klärungen / Stile, Werte und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung / Das «Innere Team» und situationsgerechte Kommunikation / Fragen und Antworten | von Friedemann Schulz von Thun | rororo | Sonstiges | Psy.453 | 18.600 |
Borrowed |
Birgit Breitschopf |
18 | Abenteuer Informatik: IT zum Anfassen für alle von 9 bis 99 – vom Navi bis Social Media | Jens Gallenbacher | Springer | Grundlagen der Informatik | Win.a.392 | 0.274 |
Borrowed |
Marco Stadler |
19 | Architecture Modernization: Socio-technical alignment of software, strategy, and structure | Nick Tune, Jean-Georges Perrin | Manning | Software Engineering | Win.h.1583 | 8.921 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
20 | Principles of Software Architecture Modernization: Delivering engineering excellence with the art of fixing microservices, monoliths, and distributed monoliths | Diego Pacheco, Sam Sgro | BGV | Software Engineering | Win.h.1582 | 8.923 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
21 | Essential Computer Science: A Programmer’s Guide to Foundational Concepts | Paul D. Crutcher, Neeraj Kumar Singh | apress | Grundlagen der Informatik | Win.a.484 | 0.268 |
Available |
No One |
22 | Computational Thinking Education in K-12: Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Physical Computing | Siu-Cheung Kong, Harold Abelson | The MIT Press | Grundlagen der Informatik | Win.o.232 | 0.272 |
Available |
No One |
23 | Computational Thinking: A beginner's guide to problem-solving and programming | Karl Beecher | BGV | Grundlagen der Informatik | Win.a.485 | 0.270 |
Available |
No One |
24 | Multivariate Analysemethoden: Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung | Klaus Backhaus, Bernd Erichson, Sonja Gensler, Rolf Weiber, Thomas Weiber | Springer | Datenbanken | Org.f.17 | 6.067 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
25 | Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and Jupyter | Wes McKinney | O'Reilly | Programmiersprachen | Win.d.1162 | 2.364 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
26 | Fluent Python: Clear, Concise, and Effective Programming | Luciano Ramalho | O'Reilly | Programmiersprachen | Win.b.455 | 2.366 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
27 | The Science of Science: Big Data, Metrics, and Impact | Dashun Wang | Cambridge Scholars Publishing | Datenbanken | NAt.95 | 6.065 |
Borrowed |
Manuel Wimmer |
28 | Tödliche Konflikte: Zur Selbstorganisation privater und öffentlicher Kriege | Fritz B. Simon | om | Sonstiges | Psy.449 | 18.594 |
Borrowed |
Birgit Breitschopf |
29 | Wie wir werden, die wir sind: Neurobiologische Grundlagen subjektiven Erlebens. | Daniel J. Siegel | om | Sonstiges | Psy.450 | 18.596 |
Borrowed |
Birgit Breitschopf |
30 | Gewaltfreie Kommunikation: Eine Sprache des Lebens | Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ingrid Holler | JKU | Sonstiges | Psy.446 | 18.584 |
Borrowed |
Birgit Breitschopf |
31 | Bedienungsanleitung für ein menschliches Gehirn | Gerald Hüther | vdf | Sonstiges | Psy.448 | 18.590 |
Borrowed |
Birgit Breitschopf |
32 | Die Mañana-Kompetenz: Wer Pausen macht, hat mehr vom Leben | Gunter Frank, Maja Storch | om | Sonstiges | Psy.451 | 18.598 |
Borrowed |
Birgit Breitschopf |
33 | Die Kunst des Konflikts: Konflikte schüren und beruhigen lernen | Klaus Eidenschink | om | Sonstiges | Psy.445 | 18.586 |
Borrowed |
Birgit Breitschopf |
34 | Warum ich fühle, was du fühlst: Intuitive Kommunikation und das Geheimnis der Spiegelneurone | Joachim Bauer | Heyne Verlag | Sonstiges | Psy.447 | 18.588 |
Borrowed |
Birgit Breitschopf |
35 | Modeling Programming Competency: A Qualitative Analysis | Natalie Kiesler | Springer | Programmiersprachen | Win.o.238 | 2.362 |
Borrowed |
Iris Groher |
36 | Software Testing: A Craftsman’s Approach, Fifth Edition | ByPaul C. Jorgensen, Byron DeVries | Auerbach Publications | Software Engineering | Win.h.397 | 8.913 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
37 | Patterns of Distributed Systems (Pearson Addison-Wesley Signature: Martin Fowler) | Unmesh Joshi | Addison-Wesley | Software Engineering | Win.d.1161 | 8.911 |
Borrowed |
Rainer Weinreich |
38 | Software Engineering: Modern Approaches (English Edition) 2nd Edition | Eric J. Braude, Michael E. Bernstein | nan | Software Engineering | Win.h.1579 | 8.919 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
39 | Compilerbau: Grundlagen und Anwendungen Perfect Paperback | Hans-Peter Mössenböck | dpunkt Verlag | Compilerbau | Wim.b.528 | 4.024 |
Available |
No One |
40 | Software Architect's Handbook: Become a successful software architect by implementing effective architecture concepts | Joseph Ingeno | Packt Publishing | Software Engineering | Win.h.1580 | 8.915 |
Borrowed |
Manuel Wimmer |
41 | Head First Software Architecture: A Learner's Guide to Architectural Thinking Paperback | Raju Gandhi, Mark Richards, Neal Ford | O'Reilly | Software Engineering | Win.h.1581 | 8.917 |
Borrowed |
Manuel Wimmer |
42 | System Architecture: Strategy and Product Development for Complex Systems | Edward Crawley | Pearson | Sonstiges | WIN.a.483 | 18.582 |
Borrowed |
Manuel Wimmer |
43 | LLM Prompt Engineering For Developers: The Art and Science of Unlocking LLMs' True Potential | Aymen El Amri | Independently | Programmiersprachen | Win.h.1578 | 2.360 |
Available |
No One |
44 | Big Tech muss weg!: Die Digitalkonzerne zerstören Demokratie und Wirtschaft - wir werden sie stoppen | Martin Andree | Campus Verlag | Sonstiges | Soz.392 | 18.580 |
Borrowed |
Johannes Sametinger |
45 | A Research Paradigm for Hybrid Collaboration and Meetings: Moving from Analysis to Support | Dr. Thomas Neumayr | JKU | Dissertationen | Tbd | 20.189 |
Available |
No One |
46 | Medizinische Nachsorge mit Fragebögen | Ing. Matthias Puchmayr | JKU | Diplomarbeiten / Masterarbeit | Tbd | 19.429 |
Available |
No One |
47 | Tätigkeitsbericht Lit Secure and Correct Systems Lab | JKU | JKU | Sonstiges | Tbd | 18.575 |
Available |
No One |
48 | The Software Engineer's Guidebook: Navigating senior, tech lead, and staff engineer positions at tech companies and startups | Gergely Orosz | Pragmatic Bookshelf | Software Engineering | Win.h.1575 | 8.909 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
49 | Handbuch für Softwareentwickler: Das Standardwerk für professionelles Software Engineering | Veikko Krypczyk, Elena Bochkor | Rheinwerk Verlag GmbH | Software Engineering | Win.h.1574 | 8.905 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
50 | Artificial Intelligence for Managers: Leverage the Power of AI to Transform Organizations & Reshape Your Career | Malay A. Upadhyay | BGV | Künstliche Intelligenz | Win.a.481 | 9.044 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
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