# | Title | Author | Publisher | Category | JKU Bib Reference | Win Bib Reference | Status | Borrower |
1 | Classic Data Structures in C++ | Timothy A. Budd | Addison-Wesley | Programmiersprachen | h.163 | 2.114 |
Available |
No One |
2 | Workflow-Management in verteilten Systemen | Reinwald Berthold | B.G. Teubner | Wirtschaftsinformatik | f.68 | 10.26 |
Available |
No One |
3 | OO Programming with Smalltalk/V | Marchesi Michele | Prentice Hall | Programmiersprachen | h.229 | 2.113 |
Available |
No One |
4 | Object Development Methods | Carmichael Andy | SIGS BOOKS | Software Engineering | h.228 | 8.230 |
Available |
No One |
5 | Derivation and Validation of Software Metrics | Shepperd, Martin & Ince, Darrel | Clarendon Press | Software Engineering | h.226 | 8.229 |
Available |
No One |
6 | Using the Booch Method, A Rational Approach | White Iseult | Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company | Software Engineering | h.225 | 8.228 |
Borrowed |
Rainer Weinreich |
7 | Taligent"s Guide to Designing Programs | Taligent | Addison-Wesley | Programmiersprachen | nan | 2.112 |
Available |
No One |
8 | Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 15. Auflage | Lechner, Egger, Schauer | Linde Verlag | Nachbardisziplinen und Hilfswissenschaften | nan | 14.20 |
Available |
No One |
9 | Object-Oriented Programming ECOOP"94 Proceedings | Tokoro M., Pareschi R. | Springer | Proceedings | nan | 17.101 |
Available |
No One |
10 | Wien wartet auf Dich! Der Faktor Mensch im DV-Management | DeMarco, T., Lister, T. | Carl Hanser Verlag | Bezüge der Informatik zur Umwelt | nan | 13.8 |
Available |
No One |
11 | MTS MSMQ with VB and ASP | Homer Alex, Sussman David | wrox | Betriebssysteme | h.649 | 3.55 |
Available |
No One |
12 | Inside OLE 2 | Brockschmidt Kraig | Microsoft Press | Rechnerspezifisches | h.218 | 11.49 |
Available |
No One |
13 | 4th Dimension Quick Start | Ribardière Laurent | ACI | Rechnerspezifisches | nan | 11.22 |
Available |
No One |
14 | Hypermedia-Anwendungsentwicklung für Apple Mac (Micro Computer-Praxis) CD | Gloor P.A. | B.G. Teubner | Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | nan | 1.60 |
Available |
No One |
15 | Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen SEUH"93 | Raasch J., Bassler T. | B.G. Teubner | Proceedings | h.215 | 17.100 |
Available |
No One |
16 | Visual J++ 6 from the ground up | Maso Brian | McGraw Hill | Programmiersprachen | nan | 2.185 |
Borrowed For Student |
No One |
17 | A Little Java, A Few Patterns | Felleisen Matthias, Friedman Daniel P. | MIT Press | Programmiersprachen | nan | 2.182 |
Available |
No One |
18 | Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Architekturprototypen für Anwendungssoftware | Lichter Horst | vdf | Software Engineering | h.153 | 8.221 |
Available |
No One |
19 | Software-Qualität: Konzepte und Pläne | Dunn Robert H. | Carl Hanser Verlag | Software Engineering | h.204 | 8.220 |
Available |
No One |
20 | The Design and Evolution of C++ | Stroustrup Bjarne | Addison-Wesley | Programmiersprachen | h.203 | 2.108 |
Available |
No One |
21 | Eiffel: The Language | Meyer Bertrand | Prentice Hall | Programmiersprachen | b.49 | 2.107 |
Available |
No One |
22 | Handbook of Programming Languages Vol. 1 OOP Languages | Salus Peter H. (Ed.) | MTP | Programmiersprachen | h. 632/1 | 2.166 |
Available |
No One |
23 | Modernes Software Engineering, Eine Einführung | Dumke Reiner | Vieweg Verlag | Software Engineering | h.185 | 8.216 |
Available |
No One |
24 | Encyclopedia of Computer Science, 3rd Edition | Ralston Anthony, Reilly Edwin D. (Eds.) | IEEE Computer Society Press | Grundlagen der Informatik | d.117 | 0.61 |
Available |
No One |
25 | OPPSLA"92 Addendum to the Proceedings | Archibald J. L., Wilkes M. C. | AMC Press | Proceedings | nan | 17.86 |
Available |
No One |
26 | Object-oriented Engineering - Building Engineering Systems Using Smalltalk-80 | Bourne John R. | Aksen Associates | Software Engineering | h.182 | 8.215 |
Available |
No One |
27 | OOPSLA"93 Conference Proceedings | Paepcke Andreas (Ed.) | ACM Press | Proceedings | nan | 17.84 |
Available |
No One |
28 | Issue on Teaching advanced subjects in Informatics, Proc. of IFIPS 1991 | Lovis Frank | Elsevier Academic Press | Proceedings | h.161/3 | 17.82 |
Available |
No One |
29 | Educational computing at the Open University. Proceedings of IFIP 1991 | Samways B., Weert T. (Eds.) | Elsevier Academic Press | Proceedings | h.161/2 | 17.81 |
Available |
No One |
30 | Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms | Coplien James | Addison-Wesley | Programmiersprachen | h.83 | 2.98 |
Available |
No One |
31 | Informationswirtschaft, Symposium Wien 28. 29.9.93 | Frisch Walter, Taudes Alfred (Hrsg.) | Physica-Verlag | Proceedings | h.170 | 17.79 |
Available |
No One |
32 | Usabiblity Engineering | Nielsen Jakob | Academic Press | Mensch-Maschine Kommunikation | h.156 | 7.20 |
Available |
No One |
33 | Programming with VisiBroker | Pedrick D.,Weedon J., Goldberg J., Bleifield E. | Wiley Publishing | Programmiersprachen | h.658 | 2.178 |
Available |
No One |
34 | Not just JAVA 2nd. Ed. | Linden, van der Peter | Prentice Hall | Programmiersprachen | j. 46 | 2.174 |
Available |
No One |
35 | Objektorientierte Programmierung | Eirund Helmut | B.G. Teubner | Programmiersprachen | nan | 2.97 |
Available |
No One |
36 | The Java Developers ALMANAC | Chan Patrick | Addison-Wesley | Programmiersprachen | h.657 | 2.179 |
Available |
No One |
37 | Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Architekturprotypen für Anwendungssoftware | Lichter Horst | vdf | Software Engineering | h.153 | 8.52 |
Available |
No One |
38 | The XML Handbook | Goldfarb Charles, Prescod Paul | Prentice Hall | Programmiersprachen | h.656 | 2.180 |
Available |
No One |
39 | KurzModeration, Anwendung d.ModerationsMethode in Betrieb, Schule u. Hochschule | Klebert Karin,Schrader Einhard, Straub Walter | Windmühle GmbH Verlag | Sonstiges | e.162 | 18.108 |
Available |
No One |
40 | Visual C++ Einführung in die Windows-Programmierung mit den Microsoft Foundation | Krüger Guido | Addison-Wesley | Rechnerspezifisches | h.151 | 11.48 |
Available |
No One |
41 | The C Book Featuring the ANSI CStandard 2nd. Ed. | Banahan M., Brady D., Doran M. | Addison-Wesley | Programmiersprachen | h.129 | 2.93 |
Available |
No One |
42 | Distributed Computing Systems: Concepts & Structures | Ananda A.L., Srinivasan B. | IEEE Computer Society Press | Software Engineering | h.127 | 8.204 |
Available |
No One |
43 | Object-Oriented Computing Vol. 2: Implementations | Peterson Gerald E. | IEEE Computer Society Press | Software Engineering | h.126/2 | 8.203 |
Available |
No One |
44 | Object-Oreinted Computing Vol.1: Concepts | Peterson Gerald E. | IEEE Computer Society Press | Software Engineering | h.126/1 | 8.202 |
Available |
No One |
45 | Inside Windows NT | Custer Helen | Microsoft Press | Rechnerspezifisches | nan | 11.47 |
Available |
No One |
46 | Industrial Strenght Software | Putnam Lawrence H., Myers Ware | IEEE Computer Society Press | Wirtschaftsinformatik | h.543 | 10.71 |
Available |
No One |
47 | Visual languages and applications | Ichikawa T., Jungert E., Korfhage R. (Eds.) | Plenum Press | Programmiersprachen | h.100 | 2.89 |
Available |
No One |
48 | Allg. Hochschulstudiengesetz Heft 1 Stand 3.9.92 | Drischel Otto | BMfWF | Sonstiges | nan | 18.76 |
Available |
No One |
49 | Visual Prolog: An Object-Oriented Platform for Interactive Modeling and Problem | Muller Carlo | vdf | Software Engineering | h.98 | 8.190 |
Available |
No One |
50 | Transaction processing: Concepts and techniques | Gray Jim, Reuter Andreas | Morgan Kaufmann Publishers | Betriebssysteme | d. 177 | 3.44 |
Available |
No One |
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