# | Title | Author | Publisher | Category | JKU Bib Reference | Win Bib Reference | Status | Borrower |
1 | Qualitative Sozialforschung, Band 2, Methoden und Techniken | Lamnek Siegfried | Beltz Psychologie Verlags Union | Nachbardisziplinen und Hilfswissenschaften | Org.f.33/2 | 14.29 |
Available |
No One |
2 | Qualitative Sozialforschung, Band 1, Methodologie | Lamnek Siegfried | Beltz Psychologie Verlags Union | Nachbardisziplinen und Hilfswissenschaften | Org.f.33/1 | 14.28 |
Available |
No One |
3 | Java - mehr als eine Programmiersprache | Müller Claus M. | dpunkt Verlag | Programmiersprachen | h.488 | 2.145 |
Available |
No One |
4 | Objekte der Gruppenarbeit | Schwabe Gerhard | Deutscher Universitäts Verlag | Organisation von Informatik | h.492 | 15.24 |
Available |
No One |
5 | Modellierung und Ausführung von Workflows mit Petri-Netzen | Oberweis Andreas | B.G. Teubner | Angewandte Informatik | d.312 | 12.32 |
Available |
No One |
6 | Selected Papers on Computer Science | Knuth Donald E. | CSLI und Cambridge University Press | Grundlagen der Informatik | h.487 | 0.73 |
Borrowed |
Rainer Weinreich |
7 | Foundations for Programming Languages | Mitchell John C. | MIT Press | Programmiersprachen | h.489 | 2.144 |
Borrowed |
Rainer Weinreich |
8 | Das Internet Handbuch für Netscape | Obermayr Karl | dpunkt Verlag | Lokale Netze | h.476 | 16.41 |
Available |
No One |
9 | Object-Oriented Design Heuristics | Riel Arthur J. | Addison-Wesley | Software Engineering | h.480 | 8.321 |
Available |
No One |
10 | Garbage Collection, Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management | Jones Richard, Lins Rafael | John Wiley & Sons | Programmiersprachen | h.479 | 2.143 |
Available |
No One |
11 | The Search for Simplicity | Hansen Per Brinch | IEEE Computer Society Press | Grundlagen der Informatik | h.477 | 0.72 |
Available |
No One |
12 | Monitoring and Debugging of Distributed Real-Time Systems | Tsai Jeffrey J.P., Yang Steve J.H. | IEEE Computer Society Press | Betriebssysteme | h.478 | 3.35 |
Available |
No One |
13 | lex und yacc: Lexikalische und syntaktische Analyse | Herold Helmut | Addison-Wesley | Programmiersprachen | h.474 | 2.142 |
Available |
No One |
14 | Objektorientierte Programmierung ohne Geheimnis | Sommer Manfred | Heinz Heise Verlag | Software Engineering | h.475 | 8.320 |
Available |
No One |
15 | The whole Internet for Windows 9"5: User's Guide and Catalog | Krol Ed, Ferguson Paula | O'Reilly | Lokale Netze | h.465 | 16.40 |
Available |
No One |
16 | Internet Firewalls & Netzwerksicherheit | Siyan Karanjit, Hare Chris | Sams Publishing | Lokale Netze | h.466 | 16.39 |
Available |
No One |
17 | Wiederverwendungsorientierte Softwareentwicklung | Nietsch Michael | Deutscher Universitäts Verlag | Wirtschaftsinformatik | h.471 | 10.38 |
Available |
No One |
18 | Computerunterstützte Teamarbeit | Wendel Thomas | Deutscher Universitäts Verlag | Mensch-Maschine Kommunikation | h.470 | 7.29 |
Available |
No One |
19 | Objektorientierte Informationssysteme, Konzepte, Darstellungsmittel, Methoden | Kappel Gerti, Schrefl Michael | Springer | Software Engineering | h.467 | 8.318 |
Available |
No One |
20 | Object-Oriented Behavioral Specifications | Kilov Haim, Harvey William | Kluwer Academic Publishers | Software Engineering | h.473 | 8.319 |
Available |
No One |
21 | The Java Virtual Machine Specification | Lindholm Tim, Yellin Frank | Addison-Wesley | Programmiersprachen | h.472 | 2.141 |
Available |
No One |
22 | Sun Performance and Tuning | Cockcroft Adrian | Sun Microsystems | Betriebssysteme | h.469 | 3.34 |
Available |
No One |
23 | Kognitive Psychologie | Anderson John R. | Spektrum | Bezüge der Informatik zur Umwelt | h.468 | 13.9 |
Available |
No One |
24 | Migrating to Object Technology | Graham Ian | Addison-Wesley | Organisation von Informatik | h.341 | 15.23 |
Available |
No One |
25 | Developing Object-Oriented Multimedia Software | Ackermann Philipp | dpunkt Verlag | Mensch-Maschine Kommunikation | nan | 7.28 |
Available |
No One |
26 | Proceedings of the OOP"96, München | SIGS | SIGS BOOKS | Proceedings | nan | 17.140 |
Borrowed |
Rainer Weinreich |
27 | Seamless Object-oriented Software Architecture: Analysis and Design of Reliable | Waldén Kim, Nerson Jean-Marc | Prentice Hall | Software Engineering | h. 599 | 8.346 |
Available |
No One |
28 | Software Precess Automation, The Technology and Its Adoption | Christie A. M. | Springer | Wirtschaftsinformatik | h.457 | 10.37 |
Available |
No One |
29 | Computerdenken Die Debatte um Künstl. Intelligenz, Bewußtsein und die Gesetz d | Penrose Roger | Spektrum der Wissenschaft | Künstliche Intelligenz | h.454 | 9.22 |
Available |
No One |
30 | JAVA Programmierhandbuch und Referenz | Middendorf S., Singer R., Strobel S. | dpunkt Verlag | Programmiersprachen | b.130 | 2.140 |
Available |
No One |
31 | Compiler Construction | Wirth Niklaus | Addison-Wesley | Compilerbau | h.455 | 4.16 |
Available |
No One |
32 | Programming for the Real World, PROSIX.4 | Gallmeister Bill O. | O'Reilly | Betriebssysteme | h.451 | 3.33 |
Available |
No One |
33 | Schatten des Geistes, Wege zu einer neuen Physik des Bewußtseins | Penrose Roger | Spektrum | Künstliche Intelligenz | h.453 | 9.21 |
Available |
No One |
34 | Developing Visual Programming Application Using Smalltalk | Linderman Michael | SIGS BOOKS | Software Engineering | h.452 | 8.317 |
Available |
No One |
35 | Rapid Software Development with Smalltalk | Lorenz Mark | SIGS BOOKS | Software Engineering | h.413 | 8.316 |
Available |
No One |
36 | Tools 21 | Meyer Bertrand, Mingins Christine, Duke Roger (Hrsg.) | nan | Proceedings | nan | 17.146 |
Available |
No One |
37 | Neural Networks, A Systematic Introduction | Rojas R. | Springer | Software Engineering | h.446 | 8.315 |
Available |
No One |
38 | Managing Client/Server Environments, Tools for Building Solutions | McConnell John | Prentice Hall | Betriebssysteme | h.447 | 3.30 |
Available |
No One |
39 | Practical UNIX Programming, A Guide to Concurrency, Communicaton, and Multithrea | Robbins K. A., Robbins S. | Prentice Hall | Betriebssysteme | h.448 | 3.32 |
Available |
No One |
40 | Distributed Algorithms | Lynch Nancy A. | Morgan Kaufmann Publishers | Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | h.449 | 1.72 |
Available |
No One |
41 | About Face, The Essentials of User Interface Design | Cooper Alan | IDG Books | Mensch-Maschine Kommunikation | h.444 | 7.27 |
Available |
No One |
42 | CORBA Fundamentals and Programming | Siegel Jon | John Wiley & Sons | Betriebssysteme | h.443 | 3.31 |
Available |
No One |
43 | The Java Application Programming Interface, Vol. 2, Window Toolkit and Applets | Gosling J., Yellin F., The Java Team | Addison-Wesley | Programmiersprachen | h.435/2 | 2.139 |
Available |
No One |
44 | The Java Application Programming Interface, Vol. 1, Core Packages | Gosling J., Yellin F., The Java Team | Addison-Wesley | Programmiersprachen | h.435/1 | 2.138 |
Available |
No One |
45 | Software Architecture and Design Principles, Models, and Methods | Witt B.I., Beker F.T., Merritt E.W. | Van Nostrand | Software Engineering | h.445 | 8.314 |
Borrowed |
Rainer Weinreich |
46 | Dictionary of Object Technology, The Definitive Desk Reference | Firesmith D.G., Eykholt E.M. | SIGS BOOKS | Grundlagen der Informatik | a.87 | 0.71 |
Available |
No One |
47 | An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms | Sedgewick R., Flajolet P. | Addison-Wesley | Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | h.442 | 1.71 |
Available |
No One |
48 | Development of Distributed Software, Concepts and Tools | Shatz Sol M. | MacMillan | Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | h.440 | 1.70 |
Available |
No One |
49 | The Nurnberg Funnel, Designing Minimalist Instruction for Practical Computer Ski | Carroll John M. | MIT Press | Grundlagen der Informatik | h.441 | 0.70 |
Available |
No One |
50 | What every Programmer should know about OO Design | Page-Jones Meilir | Dorset House Publishing | Software Engineering | h.434 | 8.313 |
Available |
No One |
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