# Title Author Publisher Category JKU Bib Reference Win Bib Reference Status Borrower
1 Introduction to Chinese, Japanese and Korean Computing (Series in Computer Science) (Series in Computer Science) Jack K. T. Huang, Timothy D. Huang World Scientific Pub Co Inc Grundlagen der Informatik Win.a.209 0.155


No One
2 Mikrosimulation eines dezentral- selbstorganisierenden Verkehrsbeeinflussungssystems mit Digitalen Pheromonen Gunter Sturmberger JKU Diplomarbeiten / Masterarbeit nan 19.207


No One
3 Designing and Coding Reusable C++ Martin D. Carroll, Margaret A. Ellis Addison-Wesley Professional Programmiersprachen Win.h.1199 2.274


No One
4 More Exceptional C++: 40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions (C++ In-Depth Series) Herb Sutter Addison-Wesley Professional Programmiersprachen Win.h.1177 2.260


No One
5 Programming in Dylan Iain D. Craig Springer-Verlag GmbH Programmiersprachen Win.b.303 2.275


No One
6 Dylan Programming: An Object-Oriented and Dynamic Language Sonya E. Keene, Robert O. Mathews, P. Tucker Withington, robert Mathews Addison Wesley Longman Programmiersprachen Win.b.304 2.277


No One
7 Effective STL: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of the Standard Template Library (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) Scott Meyers Addison-Wesley Professional Programmiersprachen Win.h.1175 2.259


No One
8 MySQL Stored Procedure Programming Guy Harrison, Steven Feuerstein O'Reilly Media, Inc. Datenbanken Win.h.1174 6.059


No One
9 NetBeans Platform 6 - Rich-Client-Entwicklung mit Java Heiko Böck Galileo Press Angewandte Informatik Win.h.1172 12.061


No One
10 High Performance MySQL. Optimierung, Datensicherung, Replikation & Lastverteilung Jeremy D. Zawodny, Derek J. Balling O'Reilly Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1171 0.151


No One
11 MySQL Database Design and Tuning (Developer's Library) Robert D Schneider MySQL Press Datenbanken Win.d.744 6.060


No One
12 Prototype and script.aculo.us: You Never Knew JavaScript Could Do This! Christophe Porteneuve Pragmatic Bookshelf Sonstiges Win.h.1185 18.156


No One
13 Algorithmik. Die Kunst des Rechnens: Die Kunst DES Rechnens David Harel, Yishai Feldman Springer, Berlin Grundlagen der Informatik Win.a.201 0.147


Johannes Sametinger
14 C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 Jasmin Blanchette, Mark Summerfield Prentice Hall PTR Angewandte Informatik Win.b.286 12.059


No One
15 The Book of Qt 4: The Art of Building Qt Applications Daniel Molkentin No Starch Press Angewandte Informatik Win.d.741 12.060


No One
16 Ruby for Rails: Ruby Techniques for Rails Developers David Black Manning Publications Programmiersprachen Win.b.283 2.257


No One
17 Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (3rd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) Scott Meyers Addison-Wesley Professional Programmiersprachen Win.b.284 2.255


No One
18 More Effective C++: 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) Scott Meyers Addison-Wesley Professional Programmiersprachen Win.b.285 2.256


No One
19 Core JavaServer(TM) Faces (2nd Edition) (Core Series) David Geary, Cay S. Horstmann Prentice Hall PTR Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1162 0.140


No One
20 Security Log Management. Identifying Patterns in the Chaos Jacob Babbin Syngress Media Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1168 0.148


No One
21 Security Engineering with Patterns. Origins, Theoretical Models, and New Applications.: Origins, Theoretical Models, and New Applications Markus Schumacher Springer, Berlin Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1165 0.137


Johannes Sametinger
22 Web Service Security: Scenarios, Patterns, and Implementation Guidance for Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0 (Patterns & Practices) Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Press Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1167 0.150


No One
23 Core Security Patterns: Best Practices and Strategies for J2EE(TM), Web Services, and Identity Management (Core Series) Christopher Steel, Ramesh Nagappan, Ray Lai Prentice Hall PTR Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1163 0.146


No One
24 Security Patterns. Integrating Security and Systems Engineering (Wiley Series in Software Design Patterns) Markus Schumacher, Eduardo Fernandez-Buglioni, Duane Hybertson, Frank Buschmann, Peter Sommerlad Wiley & Sons Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1164 0.136


No One
25 Thinking in C++, Vol. 2: Practical Programming, Second Edition Bruce Eckel, Chuck Allison Prentice Hall Grundlagen der Informatik Win.b.275/2 0.135


No One
26 Thinking in C++, Volume 1: Introduction to Standard C++ (2nd Edition) Bruce Eckel Prentice Hall Grundlagen der Informatik Win.b.275/1 0.139


No One
27 C++ Template Metaprogramming: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques from Boost and Beyond (C++ In-Depth Series) David Abrahams, Aleksey Gurtovoy Addison-Wesley Professional Programmiersprachen Win.b.276 2.258


No One
28 Beyond the C++ Standard Library. An Introduction to Boost Björn Karlsson Addison-Wesley Longman, Amsterdam Programmiersprachen win.b.281 2.254


No One
29 Trust and Security in Collaborative Computing (Computer and Network Security) Xukai Zou, Yuan-shun Dai World Scientific Publishing Company Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1184 0.154


No One
30 Security in Distributed and Networking Systems (Computer and Network Security) Yang Xiao World Scientific Publishing Company Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1166 0.138


Johannes Sametinger
31 Risks, Controls, and Security : Concepts and Applications Vasant Raval, Ashok Fichadia Wiley Grundlagen der Informatik Win.i.280 0.133


Johannes Sametinger
32 Computer Forensics : Incident Response Essentials Warren G. Kruse II, Jay G. Heiser Addison-Wesley Professional Grundlagen der Informatik win.i.279 0.134


No One
33 The Art of Software Security Testing: Identifying Software Security Flaws (Symantec Press) Chris Wysopal, Lucas Nelson, Dino Dai Zovi, Elfriede Dustin Addison-Wesley Professional Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1161 0.143


No One
34 Security Metrics: Replacing Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt Andrew Jaquith Addison-Wesley Professional Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1159 0.141


Johannes Sametinger
35 Complete Guide to Security and Privacy Metrics: Measuring Regulatory Compliance, Operational Resilience, and ROI Debra S. Herrmann AUERBACH Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1169 0.149


No One
36 The Art of Software Security Assessment: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities Mark Dowd, John McDonald, Justin Schuh Addison-Wesley Professional Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1160 0.142


Johannes Sametinger
37 Hunting Security Bugs Tom Gallagher, Lawrence Landauer, Bryan Jeffries Microsoft Press Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1158 0.145


No One
38 The Security Development Lifecycle Michael Howard, Steve Lipner Microsoft Press Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1157 0.144


No One
39 Building Secure Software: How to Avoid Security Problems the Right Way John Viega, Gary McGraw Addison-Wesley Professional Software Engineering Win.h.1154 8.634


No One
40 Secure Programming Cookbook for C and C++: Recipes for Cryptography, Authentication, Input Validation and More John Viega, Matt Messier O'Reilly Media, Inc. Software Engineering Win.h.1156 8.635


No One
41 Threat Modeling (Microsoft Professional) Frank Swiderski, Window Snyder Microsoft Press Grundlagen der Informatik win.h.1135 0.131


No One
42 Project Scheduling: Recent Models, Algorithms and Applications (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science) Jan Weglarz Springer Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1145 0.130


No One
43 Secure Coding: Principles and Practices Mark G. Graff, Kenneth R. Van Wyk O'Reilly Media, Inc. Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1198 0.161


No One
44 Exploiting Online Games: Cheating Massively Distributed Systems (Addison-Wesley Software Security Series) Greg Hoglund, Gary McGraw Addison-Wesley Professional Software Engineering Win.h.1189 8.644


No One
45 Modern Compiler Design D. Grune, H. Bal, C. Jacobs, K. Langendoen Wiley Compilerbau Win.b.296 4.021


No One
46 Modern Compiler Implementation in Java Andrew W. Appel, Jens Palsberg Cambridge University Press Compilerbau Win.h.1151 4.020


No One
47 Modern Compiler Implementation in ML Andrew W. Appel Cambridge University Press Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1152 0.132


No One
48 Secure Systems Development with UML Jan Jürjens Springer Software Engineering Win.h.1149 8.633


No One
49 Plattformen für mobile Java Agenten, Grundlagen, Konzepte, Standards und Ansätze Andreas Riener, Gerhard Strack a!apress Diplomarbeiten / Masterarbeit nan 19.206


No One
50 SOA Principles of Service Design Thomas Erl Prentice Hall Grundlagen der Informatik Win.h.1146 0.129


Rainer Weinreich
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