# | Title | Author | Publisher | Category | JKU Bib Reference | Win Bib Reference | Status | Borrower |
1 | Software Watermaking in Java-Entwicklung eines Quelltextbasierten Ansatzes | Philipp Stadler | JKU | Bachelorarbeiten | nan | 21.012 |
Available |
No One |
2 | Code Signing | Barbara Obermair BSc | JKU | Bachelorarbeiten | nan | 21.011 |
Available |
No One |
3 | Analyse von Trackingmethoden mit PhantomJS | Martin Prinz | JKU | Bachelorarbeiten | nan | 21.010 |
Available |
No One |
4 | Automatisierte Schwachstellenidenfizierung in Source-Code Plagiatserkennungssoftware | Alexander Paschinger | JKU | Bachelorarbeiten | nan | 21.009 |
Available |
No One |
5 | Mathematik-Management-Meditation | Bruno Buchberger | nan | Rechnerspezifisches | All.249 | 11.069 |
Borrowed |
Johannes Sametinger |
6 | Generative Programming: Methods, Tools, and Applications | Krysztof Czarnecki, Ulrich Eisenecker | Addison-Wesley Professional | Sonstiges | Win.h.795 | 18.314 |
Available |
No One |
7 | The Innovator's Toolkit: 50+ Techniques for Predictable and Sustainable Organic Growth | David Silverstein | John Wiley & Sons | Sonstiges | Mar.I.205 | 18.311 |
Available |
No One |
8 | Working Minds: A Practitioner's Guide to Cognitive Task Analysis (MIT Press) | Beth Crandall, Gary Klein, Robert R. Hoffman | A Bradford Book | Sonstiges | Win.k.62 | 18.310 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
9 | Guide to Advanced Empirical Software Engineering | Forest Shull | Springer | Software Engineering | Win.h.1309 | 8.807 |
Borrowed |
Iris Groher |
10 | Konrad Zuse und die Schweiz: Wer hat den Computer erfunden?: Wer hat den Computer erfunden? (German Edition) | Herbert Bruderer | Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag | Angewandte Informatik | Win.a.301 | 12.087 |
Borrowed |
Gustav Pomberger |
11 | Gezeiten des Geistes: Die Vermessung unseres Bewusstseins -Gebunde Ausgabe | David Gelernter | Ullstein | Sonstiges | Win.a.350 | 18.309 |
Borrowed |
Gustav Pomberger |
12 | The ASQ Auditing Handbook, Fourth Edition | J.P. Russell, editor | Quality Press | Grundlagen der Informatik | Win.s.545 | 0.224 |
Available |
No One |
13 | Systems Engineering: Grundlagen und Anwendungen | Reinhard Haberfellner; Olivier L. de Weck; Ernst Fricke; Siegfried Vössner | orell füssli | Sonstiges | Win.h.572 | 18.308 |
Available |
No One |
14 | Carry On: Sound Advice from Schneier on Security | Bruce Schneier | Wiley | Sonstiges | Win.f.721 | 18.307 |
Borrowed |
Johannes Sametinger |
15 | Management Y: Agile, Scrum, Design Thinking & Co.: So gelingt der Wandel zur attraktiven und zukunftsfähigen Organisation | Ulf Brandes; Pascaö Gemmer; Holger Koschek; Lydia Schültken | a!apress | Sonstiges | Win.s.583 | 18.306 |
Available |
No One |
16 | SAFe Das Scaled Agile Framework: Lean und Agile in großen Unternehmen skalieren (mit einem Geleitwort von Dean Leffingwell) | Chrisoph Mathis | dpunkt Verlag | Sonstiges | Win.h.1453 | 18.305 |
Available |
No One |
17 | Corporate Social Software - Die Verwendung in Unternehmen | Markus Bergetschwandtner, Helene Haderer | JKU | Diplomarbeiten / Masterarbeit | nan | 19.392 |
Available |
No One |
18 | Continuous Delivery: Der pragmatische Einstieg | Eberhard Wolff | dpunkt.verlag GmbH | Sonstiges | Win.h.1450 | 18.301 |
Available |
No One |
19 | Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software | Eric J. Evans | Addison Wesley | Software Engineering | Win.h.1451 | 8.791 |
Available |
No One |
20 | Oxford German Dictionary | Werner Scholze-Stubenrecht, John B. Sykes, Michael Clark | Oxford University Press | Sonstiges | Naw.a.104 | 18.304 |
Borrowed |
Birgit Breitschopf |
21 | Die digitale Bildungsrevolution: Der radikale Wandel des Lernens und wie wir ihn gestalten können | Jörg Dräger, Ralph Müller-Eiselt | Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt | Sonstiges | Päd.220 | 18.302 |
Available |
No One |
22 | Microservices: Grundlagen flexibler Softwarearchitekturen | Eberhard Wolff | dpunkt.verlag GmbH | Sonstiges | Win.h.1449 | 18.303 |
Borrowed |
Rainer Weinreich |
23 | Agile Softwareentwicklung: Werte, Konzepte und Methoden | Wolf-Gideon Bleek, Henning Wolf | dpunkt | Software Engineering | nan | 8.789 |
Available |
No One |
24 | Contributing to Eclipse: Principles, Patterns and Plugins (Eclipse Series) | Kent Beck, Erich Gamma | Addison-Wesley Longman, Amsterdam | Software Engineering | Win.h.1000 | 8.788 |
Available |
No One |
25 | Cobit 5: Enabling Processes | ISACA | ISACA | Grundlagen der Informatik | Win.i.414 | 0.222 |
Available |
No One |
26 | Building Microservices | Sam Newman | O'Reilly and Associates | Software Engineering | WIn.h.1448 | 8.790 |
Borrowed |
Rainer Weinreich |
27 | Microservices, IoT and Azure: Leveraging DevOps and Microservice Architecture to deliver SaaS Solutions | Bob Familiar | apress | Software Engineering | Win.h.1447 | 8.787 |
Available |
No One |
28 | Universitätsgesetz 2002 - UG (Manzsche Sonder-Gesetzausgaben) | Bettina Perthold-Stoitzner | MANZ Verlag Wien | Sonstiges | Jus.402 | 18.296 |
Available |
No One |
29 | Automatisierte Erstellung persönlicher und adaptiver Trainingspläne auf Basis personenbezogener Zeitpläne und Social Media Daten | Matthias Praher, BSc | JKU | Diplomarbeiten / Masterarbeit | nan | 19.391 |
Available |
No One |
30 | Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice | William Stallings | Prentice Hall | Sonstiges | Win.f.715 | 18.294 |
Available |
No One |
31 | COBIT 5 - Process Assessment Model (PAM) | ISACA | ISACA | Sonstiges | Win.i.413 | 18.291 |
Available |
No One |
32 | COBIT 5 - Process Assessment Model (PAM) | ISACA | ISACA | Sonstiges | Win.i.413 | 18.290 |
Available |
No One |
33 | COBIT 5 - Process Assessment Model (PAM) | ISACA | ISACA | Grundlagen der Informatik | Win.i.413 | 0.219 |
Available |
No One |
34 | Network Security Assessment: Know Your Network | Chris McNab | O'Reilly Media, Inc, USA | Sonstiges | Win.h.1129 | 18.320 |
Borrowed |
Johannes Sametinger |
35 | Security Requirements Engineering: Designing Secure Socio-Technical Systems (Information Systems) | Fabiano Dalpiaz, Elda Paja, Paolo Giorgini | Mit Pr | Grundlagen der Informatik | Win.f.719 | 0.223 |
Available |
No One |
36 | Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice | William Stallings | Prentice Hall | Sonstiges | Win.f.715 | 0.220 |
Available |
No One |
37 | An Introduction to Information Security and ISO27001: 2013: A Pocket Guide | Steve G. Watkins | Itgp | Grundlagen der Informatik | Win.f.716 | 0.221 |
Available |
No One |
38 | CISSP (ISC)2 Certified Information Systems Security Professional Official Study Guide | James M. Stewart, Mike Chapple, Darril Gibson | John Wiley & Sons | Sonstiges | Win.f.713 | 18.295 |
Available |
No One |
39 | Security in Computing | Charles P. Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, Jonathan Margulies | Prentice Hall | Sonstiges | Win.f.714 | 18.293 |
Available |
No One |
40 | CCNA Security 210-260 Official Cert Guide | Omar Santos, John Stuppi | Cisco Press | Sonstiges | Win.b.430 | 18.299 |
Available |
No One |
41 | Software Product Quality Control | Stefan Wagner | Springer | Software Engineering | Win.h.1444 | 8.785 |
Available |
No One |
42 | Obfuscation: A User's Guide for Privacy and Protest | Finn Brunton, Helen Nissenbaum | Mit Press Ltd | Sonstiges | Win.g.45 | 18.298 |
Borrowed |
Johannes Sametinger |
43 | Organisation in einer Digitalen Zeit | Malte Foegen, Christian Kaczmarek | wibas GmbH | Sonstiges | Unf.d.956 | 18.300 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
44 | Agile Software Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices for Teams, Programs, and the Enterprise (Agile Software Development) | Dean Leffingwell | Addison Wesley | Software Engineering | Win.h.1445 | 8.786 |
Borrowed |
Reinhold Plösch |
45 | Werkzeuge zur Überwachung von Designvorgaben | Stefan Schwab | JKU | Diplomarbeiten / Masterarbeit | nan | 19.390 |
Available |
No One |
46 | Automatisierte Identifikation von Encapsulation Design Smells | Sabrina Pauli, BSc | JKU | Diplomarbeiten / Masterarbeit | nan | 19.389 |
Available |
No One |
47 | Meilensteine der Rechentechnik: Zur Geschichte der Mathematik und der Informatik | Herbert Bruderer | De Gruyter Oldenbourg | Sonstiges | win.a.342 | 18.297 |
Borrowed |
Gustav Pomberger |
48 | Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming | Marijn Haverbeke | No Starch Press | Programmiersprachen | Win.b.374 | 2.316 |
Available |
No One |
49 | React.js Essentials | Artemij Fedosejev | Packt Publishing | Sonstiges | Win.b.425 | 18.292 |
Available |
No One |
50 | Programming JavaScript Applications: Robust Web Architecture with Node, HTML5, and Modern JS Libraries | Eric Elliott | O'Reilly and Associates | Programmiersprachen | Win.h.1442 | 2.315 |
Available |
No One |
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